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September 13, 2024

5 Powerful Data Levers for Effective Fundraising

For nearly all nonprofit organizations, effective fundraising hinges on understanding and using various types of data. Whether collaborating with a fundraising agency or executing fundraising outreach on your own, it’s crucial to recognize the different categories of marketing data and how each type contributes to the success of your campaigns.

Here’s a breakdown of the 5 essential fundraising data types:

Donor Data

This includes information about individual donors such as names, contact details, age, gender, and other personal attributes. Donor data allows you to understand who is supporting your organization so you can personalize communication strategies.

Household Data

Household data aggregates information about all individuals residing at a single address. This data identifies households that might have multiple potential donors and allows for more efficient targeting of marketing efforts.

Donation Data

This captures details about the donations made by each donor, including the amounts, frequency, dates of donations, and the specific campaigns or causes they supported. Donation data is crucial for recognizing patterns in giving behavior.

Marketing Efforts History

This data chronicles all previous marketing activities directed at a donor, including emails, direct mail, phone calls, and events attended. Analyzing this data highlights what strategies have been effective and what isn’t resonating with a specific donor or donor segments.

Flags and Preferences

Flags and preferences indicate specific choices and restrictions from your donors, such as "do not mail," "do not call," or preferred communication channels. With this data in hand, you can respect donor wishes and comply with legal requirements, which enhances the overall donor experience.

Harnessing Data to Fuel Fundraising Success

At TrueSense, we use the unique strengths of these 5 data types to craft strategies that extend our clients’ outreach to donors and prospects, increasing the impact donors can have on your organization. Here’s how we use this data to better understand your donors, and ultimately benefit our clients’ bottom lines:

1. Build Predictive Models

By analyzing donor, household, donation, and marketing history data, we develop custom predictive models. These models help us identify which segments of your audience are most likely to respond positively to specific offers. For example, if we notice a pattern where donors who have given small amounts regularly tend to increase their donation if approached with a matching gift offer, we can target similar donors with a matching-gift strategy.

2. Target Audience Selection

Predictive models enable effective donor segmentation. We can select a target audience that is not only more likely to respond to your campaigns but also align with our clients’ goals, such as increasing recurring donations or acquiring new donors. By focusing on these high-potential segments, we ensure that your marketing efforts yield the best possible results.

3. Create Digital Campaign Audiences

Aggregated and anonymized demographic and gift data are invaluable for digital marketing. We use this data to create detailed audience profiles for digital campaigns. For instance, we might identify a demographic that is particularly responsive to social media or online donation campaigns. By targeting these specific groups with tailored digital content, we increase engagement and donations.

4. Respect Donor Preferences

Using flags and preferences data ensures that we honor the communication preferences of our clients’ donors. This respectful approach not only helps maintain compliance with regulations but also builds trust and loyalty among your donor base. A donor who feels respected and valued is more likely to continue supporting the cause.

5. Enhance Donor Experience

By combining all these data points, we create a comprehensive view of each donor’s journey. This holistic understanding allows us to tailor our outreach and engagement strategies to meet donors' individual needs and preferences, leading to a more personalized and impactful donor experience.

A Word on Security

A big part of creating the pipelines that move all this data is ensuring that the data remains secure, both when it’s moving and when it’s stored. For this reason, TrueSense is audited to confirm our compliance with SOC2 Type 2 and HIPAA standards, as we maintain a rigorous data security process that addresses all the vectors where data is potentially at risk, including ongoing data security training.


Handling marketing data effectively is vital for the success of nonprofit fundraising efforts. By understanding the various types of data available and leveraging them to build predictive models, select target audiences, and create effective digital campaigns, we can enhance the impact of your marketing efforts. Respecting donor preferences and creating personalized experiences not only increases donations but also builds long-term relationships with your supporters.

As the fundraising partner to many world-class nonprofit organizations, we guide our clients through the complexities of marketing data to achieve their missions and make a lasting difference.

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